Prof. Yanpeng Cao, Zhejiang University (IEEE Senior Member)
Dr. Yanpeng Cao is a "Hundred Talents Program" professor and doctoral supervisor in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Zhejiang University. He is a senior member of IEEE. He serves in the editorial boards of the Journal of Vibration Engineering and the Journal of Vibration,Measurement & Diagnosis. His research interests include thermal imaging, sensor fusion, and fault diagnosis. He has published more than 60 peer-reviewed journal papers in Information Fusion, IEEE TII, IEEE TIM, IEEE TMM, IEEE TCSVT, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, NDT & E International, and Optics Express. He has published one book chapter and been granted more than 20 invention patents.
曹彦鹏,浙江大学机械工程学院,研究员,博士生导师,浙江大学机械工程学院。中国振动工程学会动态测试专业委会常务委员、副秘书长,IEEE高级会员(Senior Member),《振动工程学报》青年编委,《振动、测试与诊断》第九届编委会编委。面向重大装备故障诊断与健康监控任务,开展多源异构信息的融合互补基础理论和关键技术的研究工作。研究成果在Information Fusion,IEEE TII,IEEE TIM,IEEE TMM,IEEE TCSVT, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,NDT & E International,Optics Express等光学测量和信号处理领域国际权威期刊上发表论文60余篇。出版英文专著章节1章,获授权发明专利20余项。