Dr. Yunsheng Wang Invited as Conference Technical Committees of ISAES 2023
Dr. Yunsheng Wang Invited as Conference Technical Committees of ISAES 2023



Dr. Yunsheng Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Computer science engineering Ph.D majored in IMA architecture and system safety, port doctoral researcher in 5G aviation application. Over 18 years avionics system development experiences following civil aviation certification, outstanding contributor in C919 communication/navigation & datalink development, AG600 communication/ navigation system development, and C919 IMA system development and safety assessment; outstanding contributor award by AVIAGE SYSEM CEO, CETC group company and Rockwell Collins for C919 program; SAE S-18 committee member (developing 4754A/4761),  ARINC 653 working group member,  and SAE invited ARP 4754A/4761 instructors; CAAC authorized DER; expertise in IMA & Comm/Nav system function/arch/product for air transportation & business/regional aircraft; knowledgeable in avionics suite for GA and eVTOL; well connected with aviation industry and academy domestically and internationally; Member of the Shanghai Aviation Industry Standardization Technical Committee, Youth Innovation Technology Advisor for COMAC Aircraft, and Outstanding Teacher at the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (invited professor).

计算机系统工学博士(IMA分区软件及安全性),信息与通信工程博士后(5G航空应用),超过18年航空电子系统和产品研发经验,在C919大型客机通信导航系统/数据链系统、AG600水陆两用飞机通信导航系统、C919 IMA系统研制及安全性分析等研制过程中“做出突出贡献”,获得昂际CEO奖项、中国电科集团“‘十二五’国际化经营‘先进个人’” 、美国Rockwell Collins公司“杰出贡献奖”;中国民航局CAAC授权工程委任代表DER; SAE S-18委员会(ARP4754A和ARP4761编委会)成员,分区软件标准ARINC 653工作组成员,国际系统工程师协会理事会(INCOSE CAB)成员;SAE亚太区ARP4754A/4761特聘讲师,上海市航空工业标准化技术委员会委员,中国商飞大飞机青年创新技术顾问,上海交大航空航天学院优秀教师(外聘)。