Prof. Renfu Li Invited as Conference Co-Chair of ISAES 2023
Prof. Renfu Li Invited as Conference Co-Chair of ISAES 2023



Prof. Renfu Li,Huazhong University of Science and Technology


ProfessorLi,Chutian Talent Professor;ASME Fellow、AIAA Associate Fellow; Vice-Chair of the School of Aerospace Engineering, Dean of the Institute of UAV System, President of the Academic Committee.ProfessorLi obtained his B.S. degree from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Ph.D. degree with honor from the school of aerospaceengineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, U.S.A. After having worked in US over 14 years, He was invited to HUST to establish the School ofAerospace Engineering.   Professor Li has over thirty years experience in aerospace engineering. He had also been involved grand scientific project such as China distinguished 863973 research projectsetc.Professor Li’s major research filed covers: Flight Vehicle System Design, Intelligent Flight formation and Control, UVA system, etc.Professor has authorized over 120 sci papers、50 patents. He also the associate editor of AIAA Journal, editor committee of “Chinese Journal of Aeronautics”, etc. 

李仁府,二级教授,博士生导师,楚天学者特聘专家。美国ASME Fellow、航空宇航AIAA Associate Fellow。现任航空航天学院副院长,智能无人飞行系统研究所所长,航空航天学院学术委员会主任。李教授于1988年北京航空航天大学飞行器设计专业毕业,后到中航成都飞机设计所从事先进飞机“歼10”研制。从1997起先后在美国加州理工、佐治亚理工及航空航天院所学习和工作十四年。获得美国佐治亚理工学院航空宇航、数学科学双硕士学位,佐治亚理工航空宇航博士学位,并授予特优博士毕业生“Luther Long Award”奖。李教授应华科大原校长邀请,于2009年回国负责华中科技大学航空航天学科及航空航天学院创建工作。是华中大教育部航空宇航一级博士学位点和教育部飞行器设计一流专业建设负责人。李教授从事航空宇航领域科学研究30多年,承担和参与多个国家重大工程、重点型号项目,为先进飞行器空气动力学与总体设计、智能化技术与控制、 新能源动力推进技术领域专家。李教授发表学术论文120多篇;专利50多项。担任国际航空宇航旗舰期刊“AIAA Journal”副主编,国际一流学术期刊“Chinese Journal of Aeronautics”编委,“航空兵器”副主编等。是教育部十三五航空宇航学科教材编委。