Prof. Lihua Zhan Invited as Conference Technical Committees of ISAES 2022
Prof. Lihua Zhan Invited as Conference Technical Committees of ISAES 2022



Prof. Lihua Zhan, Central South University 


中南大学教授/博导,长江学者、湖南省芙蓉学者、湖南省创新领军人才、教育部新世纪优秀人才,现任高性能复杂制造国家重点实验室副主任。长期从事轻质高强大型构件形性一体化制造理论与技术研究,主持了国家973课题、国防科工局重大课题、重型火箭关深课题、航天系统部专用项目等20余项,提出了复合能场调控大型构件蠕变时效形性协同制造理论与技术、轻质高强复合材料构件振动-微波特种能场高质高效固化成型理论与技术,突破了大型复杂薄壁构件形性一体化制造技术瓶颈,实现了世界最大直径10m级重型火箭超大尺寸贮箱瓜瓣高品质制造,被国家航天局和《Nature》期刊等报道,入选第四届军民融合发展高技术装备成果展。以第一或通讯作者在塑性加工顶级期刊 Int. J. Plast.等上发表论文250余篇,作为第一发明人授权发明专利57项,撰写专著1部及专著章节6篇,担任中南大学学报等7个国内外期刊编委,作为第一完成人获湖南省技术发明一等奖、湖南省专利二等奖、中国有色金属工业科学技术二等奖和首届NFSOC高等教育教学成果一等奖,第四届全国有色金属优秀青年科技奖获得者、第十届“上银优秀机械博士论文奖”指导老师、湖南省第二届“优秀研究生导师”等荣誉。

Prof. Zhan, as Changjiang Scholar, is deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of High-Performance Complex Manufacturing at Central South University. She engaged in the research on the theory and technology of integrated manufacturing of lightweight and high-strength components, and has presided more than 20 national projects such as the national 973 project, major projects of the national defense science and industry Bureau and the heavy rocket key technology research project. She has proposed the theory and technology of creep age forming of large-scale components controlled by composite energy fields, and the high-quality and high-efficiency curing molding theory and technology of lightweight and high-strength composite components by vibration-microwave special energy field. These research achievements break through the bottleneck of integrated manufacturing technology of large complex thin-walled components, expecially realizing the high-quality manufacturing of the heavy rocket super-large tank dome melon part which is the largest in the world. It was reported by the National Space Administration and the《Nature》journal, and was selected for the 4th Military-civilian Integration Development of High-Tech Equipment Achievements Exhibition. As the first or corresponding author, she has published more than 250 papers in the top journal of plasticity processing filed such as Int. J. Plast. As the first inventor, 57 invention patents were authorized. She wrote one monograph and six monograph chapters, served as the editorial board of seven domestic and foreign journals such as the JCSU. She won the first prize of Hunan technological invention award, the second prize of Hunan patent award, the second prize of China nonferrous metal industry science and technology award, the first prize of NFSOC high education teaching achievement award. And she was honored the fourth national nonferrous metal Excellent Youth Science and technology award, the 10th "Shangyin excellent mechanical Doctoral Thesis Award" instructors, Hunan 2nd "excellent graduate tutor" etc.