Prof. Wandong Wang Invited as Conference Technical Committees of ISAES 2022
Prof. Wandong Wang Invited as Conference Technical Committees of ISAES 2022



Prof. Wandong Wang, Northwestern Polytechnical University 


汪万栋,教授,博士生导师, 西北工业大学翱翔海外学者。2017年4月在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学航空学院取得博士学位,2016年11月至2021年4月先后在代尔夫特理工大学和瑞士Empa做博士后。研究方向为胶接结构的损伤容限设计和失效分析,长期从事轻质飞行器材料和结构的损伤容限设计与断裂破坏研究工作,主要研究经历有:纤维金属层合板的疲劳裂纹损伤研究、复合材料与金属胶接接头的失效分析以及利用先进形状记忆合金提高金属结构的疲劳寿命等。

Wandong Wang is a professor and doctoral supervisor of Northwestern Polytechnic University and an overseas scholar of Northwestern Polytechnic University. In April 2017, he obtained his doctorate from the school of Aeronautics of Delft University of technology in the Netherlands. From November 2016 to April 2021, he successively worked as a postdoctoral at Delft University of technology and EMPA, Switzerland. His research interests are damage tolerance design and failure analysis of bonded structures. He has long been engaged in damage tolerance design and fracture failure research of light aircraft materials and structures. The main research experiences include: fatigue crack damage research of fiber metal laminates, failure analysis of composite and metal bonded joints, and improving the fatigue life of metal structures by using advanced shape memory alloys.